Math 347: Fundamental Mathematics

Fall 2015, Section G1

Class info

  • Lecture: MWF 3pm-3:50pm in 147 Altgeld Hall
  • Deconfusion sessions: Tue 4pm-5pm in 2 Illini Hall
  • Emergency info


  • Midterm 1: Sep 30 (Wed), 3pm-3:50pm in 147 Altgeld Hall
  • Midterm 2: Oct 28 (Wed), 3pm-3:50pm in 147 Altgeld Hall
  • Midterm 3: Nov 18 (Wed), 3pm-3:50pm in 147 Altgeld Hall
  • Final exam: Dec 17 (Thu), 7pm-10pm in 147 Altgeld Hall

Instructor info

  • Name: Anush Tserunyan
  • Email: anush at illinois dot edu
  • Office: 369 Altgeld Hall

Final exam

Midterm 3

Midterm 2

Midterm 1


Office hours

Instead of holding office hours in my office, I will be holding weekly Deconfusion Sessions, during which I will just be in a classroom (to be posted above) for an hour and you can come ask questions or simply work on your homework. I encourage working in groups and having group discussions of problems. I will be there to help you when you get stuck. I strongly advise everyone to come even if they don't have any questions and even if they have fallen behind (the latter students can start reading the missed material and ask me questions about it while reading).

If you need to talk to me in private, email me to schedule an appointment.

Course material

Course logistics

Advice on learning the material

Besides attending the lectures (which is absolutely crucial in succeeding in this course), I also strongly recommend reading the textbook after each lecture in order to thoroughly understand the material. Even if the material is exactly same as in the lecture notes, it is still good to see two different presentations.

The process of learning math happens by doing it, and not just reading or listening. This is why doing homework exercises are necessary to understand what's going on and internalize the material. I'll quote Paul Halmos here: Don't just read it; fight it! Ask your own questions, look for your own examples, discover your own proofs. Is the hypothesis necessary? Is the converse true? Where does the proof use the hypothesis? What happens in a special case?

See also this advice from one of the authors (D. West) of our textbook.

Fighting math